Thursday, August 11, 2011

Things I want (or need) to do...

I have decided that I need to make a list of all the things I need/ want to get done before baby #3 (from now on referred to as the Bump) gets here - if you're counting down, it's only another 146 days.  This may be nesting, but really it's more the thought that when I have 3 kids, I'm going to have ZERO extra time to do a whole bunch of random stuff.  So without further ado, here's the list:

1. Finish Squeaky's bedding - I have fought and fought with this one, what size quilt do I make her, does she need a crib bumper, how do I design the ruffle, it has been somewhat of a nightmare for me because I know if it isn't perfect I'm not going to be happy with it.  I need to just sit down and do it - make her a crib ruffle, make a comforter - and be happy with it. And then of course if the Bump is a girl, I need to make doubles, ah!! This is a pic of Squeak's inspiration room in case anyone wants to see it.

2. Generally get my house organized, because right now I feel like a tornado ran through there, I have named it tornado Peanut. I know it isn't him, but he moves the most. 

3. Get the garage cleaned out and my craft space under control.  There's too much stuff out there that needs to go to Goodwill or the trash can and every time I look at it I go back inside.  It's hindering a lot of my other stuff though because I really can't sew right now or do any other crafts until I get this done and I have so many ideas floating around in my head.  DONE!!!

(Note - not my actual garage, but I feel mine looks like this)

4. My pantry - my mortal enemy.  The pantry and I are not friends right now.  I can never find anything in it and every time I open it I feel like I need to clean it out.  That may actually be first on my list.

5. Peanut's closet - When we moved into our house (more than 3 years ago) my parents wanted to buy Peanut some sort of closet organization system. It hasn't happened yet because I am so indecisive about what I want in there.  I think, though, that I have finally picked something, the Stuva line from Ikea - now to measure, order, assemble, and install. Whew!  Mostly done (close enough to call it done) thanks dad!

That's all that's on the list for now, I'm sure there are hundreds of other little things I need to do that will come up as I go through this, but for now this is a good start.  

1 comment:

Nicole - Craft My Soul said...

Good luck with everything hun!

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