Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back School Cool

While browsing the internet yesterday I found some adorable craft ideas that are so cute and sweet and back-to-school perfect that I just had to share with all of you!

To start out with I stumbled upon this adorable tutorial yesterday about making a melted crayon picture:

Isn't that amazing?!?!?!  Well her inspiration was actually a picture from jkCreate on Etsy:

Which is equally as cool.

So this morning I am running through my blogs and I run across this post from my cousin Bug Gutz over at Hill We Are.  She has this wonderful picture posted....

And it took me a minute, but I realized that this was another of those awesome melted crayon pictures! I was so excited! Now I want to go make some for my house! We all know what I'll be doing this weekend.

Next up is one of the most innovative ideas I have ever seen.  AmberLee over on giver's log runs a series called thirteen ounces or less about mailing interesting things to people. I am amazed by the things she has mailed and now I want to go and mail all kinds of random things to people (I know my friends would appreciate this). 

She packaged up these school supplies for this post.  I love the idea, I love the thought behind it, and I love the fact it's mailed in a water bottle (excellent job reusing)!

Colored Pencils!!!! Who would have ever thought to turn colored pencils into jewelry? Definately not me, but I love it!

The tutorial for this awesome wearable art can be found at mini eco here.  

These oh-so-sweet back to school crayon clips would look adorable in a little kindergartner's hair on the first day of school! They can be bought on Etsy here

And how adorable is this little apple cozy! Keep your apples from getting bruised and be stylish at the same time.  The apple cozy can be found here or I'm pretty sure that any crafty momma could make one (I'm not that kind of crafty though so I am going to have to buy mine)

1 comment:

Bug said...

That project was so fun! Congrats on the new addition on the way!!!

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