Thursday, September 29, 2011

Menu Planning

I have never been one of those incredibly organized, my-house-is-perfect, prim and proper moms.  I want to be, I strive to be, but let's face it, it isn't going to happen.  I try to be as organized and neat as is possible with 2 kiddos and working a full time + job, but sometimes housework falls by the wayside or dinner is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  I know my kids aren't really suffering for it and they would rather blow bubbles and play peek-a-boo with me anyway than worry about cooking a 5 course meal, but something inside me wants to be that organized (if you ask the Man it's my OCD). 

In a valiant attempt to be more organized and have my kiddos eat more than just PB&J, I am now implementing a meal plan on them.  The Man is going to have to step up because 4 days a week he's the one who makes dinner and I'm hoping this will help him not have to call me every night on my way home and ask "what's for dinner?" 

I have decided the best way to stay on top of a menu for me (at least I think it will be the best way, I'll update this in a few weeks) is to make my menu for two weeks in advance and then go to the grocery store every other weekend.  Since I hate going to the store with my kids (I love my kids, but they want everything when we go to the store) I am going to have to go to the store on weekends when hubs can watch the kiddos for a bit (and I get some free time).  I am going to list my menu for the following two weeks here every Thursday so that you guys can follow along and maybe offer some suggestions on items to add to the menu for upcoming weeks. 

So here's what we are having for the next two weeks (at least main courses) and recipes for some:

We decided that we don't want to schedule any meals on the weekends because we are often gone with church and/or family functions.  This also leaves us the flexibility to move one day's meal to a weekend day if we end up having something going on that was not a planned event without having overbought for the week or the option of having leftovers and not throwing out food.

*****Any of the recipes that have a link can also be found on my Pinterest "This Weeks Meals" board here.  Feel free to follow this board (or any of my boards) for all kinds of ideas!

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