The things on this list are amazing to me (did you know that you can wash action figures in the dishwasher?) purely for the "you put what in your dishwasher????" factor. Why would someone decide it was a good idea to wash their muddy rain boots by running them in the dishwasher? Who wakes up in the morning and throws their hairbrush in after doing their hair? And I think the most shocking (and endorsed by Real Simple) thing you CAN put in your dishwasher - potatoes?!?!?!?! Seriously? Potatoes? Those things that grow in the ground? THESE?????
I am not brave enough to even attempt to stick a potato in my dishwasher, the possible germs alone creep me out. Couple that with the fact that I'm almost positive The Man would start popping blood vessels if I was to put produce in the dishwasher (he's a plumber you see, he freaks if I put even a hint of celery in the garbage disposal).
Equally amusing, but for an entirely different reason, is the list of things that you should NOT put in your dishwasher and the list of "things you can supposedly can put in, but we wouldn't try it, so you're on your own if it ends up horribly, horribly wrong". All of the things on the should not list I really think the biggest shock to me was crystal. Why would someone put their nice crystal in the dishwasher??? Do they have an abundance of $$$ to go buy new crystal after the dishwasher thrashes theirs like a rock star thrashes a hotel room? I don't understand it at all.
And the one that absolutely takes the cake for me: Salmon...
Someone put SALMON in their dishwasher to try to cook it!!! And there's a recipe for how to cook it this way (that can be found here). I'm convinced I just vomited a little in my mouth.
Does anybody else know of any interesting or obscure things one should or should not put in the dishwasher - let me know what you come up with!
We don't have a dishwasher. I'm really waiting for someone to say "That frying pan really shouldn't be washed." :) Lol. Thanks for the link. New follower from the mingle blog hop:)
Shiloh thanks for following - and really that frying pan shouldn't be put in the dishwasher =)
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