...And I am completely torn. On one hand I want to know if I should be saving all of squeaky's clothes or turning them in for soemthing a little bit more masculine. On the other hand I have never left the sex of my babies a surprise and this is the last one and I kind of want it to be a surprise...
That being said you know The Man isn't going to let me not find out. Because, realistically, if it is a boy then we need to paint squeaky's room and get rid of all the too small for her girl clothes that we are holding onto and find adorable little boy clothes and make some boy blankets (I'm pretty sure fushcia and flamingos is a statement most little boys cannot pull off). So as much as I don't want to find out, the practical part of me is screaming to know, and Miss Practical usually wins...
I think it's another girl! That's my gut feeling, and I am a little physic.
I think so too, Ben says it's a boy (I'm pretty sure just to mess with me) and Steven says it's a girl and he was right about the last one =)
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