Wednesday, August 24, 2011

To see or not to see...

So the time is rapidly approaching where we get to find out the gender of The Bump... 

Back School Cool

While browsing the internet yesterday I found some adorable craft ideas that are so cute and sweet and back-to-school perfect that I just had to share with all of you!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Things I want (or need) to do...

I have decided that I need to make a list of all the things I need/ want to get done before baby #3 (from now on referred to as the Bump) gets here - if you're counting down, it's only another 146 days.  This may be nesting, but really it's more the thought that when I have 3 kids, I'm going to have ZERO extra time to do a whole bunch of random stuff.  So without further ado, here's the list:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sewing Room

I really need an extra 5 hours in a day.  I have so many fun projects that I want to do and normal, every day chores keep getting in the way.  Tonight I am tackling the jungle, aka. my front lawn, before my HOA has a fit because it looks something like this:

And no, that isn't my actual lawn, even though I feel like it is.  I also want to get my sewing/craft room (or the garage, as The Man prefers to call it) functional so I can make all my cute projects sometime this century.  Until I can do any of this - here's a sneak peak at my first up project, once everything else is done of course...

The Amazing Butterfly Award

I'm feeling special because I received a lovely award from Nicole of Craft My Soul. Please visit Nicole's blog. She's got lots of amazingness there, check it out.

Name your favorite color - Fuschia, definately

Name your favorite song - Rise by Shawn McDonald - there's something about it's simplicity
Name your favorite dessert - Ummm - I really like to bake and make desserts, but I'm not a huge fan of eating them.
What wizzes you off - People who don't know how to drive!!!!
When you’re upset you - Cry or ignore you
Your favorite pet - I love all my pets - but the coolest one ever was my hedgehog, Mase

Black or white - Black, I have small children & white shows stains
Your biggest fear - Heights, hands down
Best feature - My dimple??? I have no idea

Everyday attitude - Mellow
What is perfection - God

Guilty pleasure - Trashy magazines

Here are the 10 fabulous blogs I am awarding 
10. And just because we finally got one here in Colorado .. Ikea Hackers
If you received an award from me

Here's what you have to do if you would like to play along and award a few of your favorite blogs

Link to the person who awarded you
Answer the questions above
Award 10 other bloggers the Butterfly Award

Hope you all like your award!

Monday, August 8, 2011

I know, I've been missing for a bit...

... But I have been crazy busy!

The Man and I have taken over a larger role in our Children's Church due to some outside events and have been spending a lot of time there.

Plus it was summer, so I have been spending time enjoying the sun as much as possible with the little ones. 

And, for the big announcement...

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