Friday, February 25, 2011

The 30 day challenge - Day 2

Hello day 2. How are you???   So day 2 is the meaning behind your blog name - Disco Lemonade Does Fashion

The story goes something like this....

Quite a number of years ago there was one of those "fill out this survey about your friend" things on myspace (I told you it was awhile ago).  I sent it out to a bunch of my friends just for fun.  One of the questions on it asked something along the lines of "If you could give me any nickname, what would it be?"  People sent back all kinds of random stuff, but one of my friends sent back that my nickname should be Disco Lemonade.  I, being blond, didn't get it or even where he came up with it, so I asked.  Disco lemonade is part of a line in the Marcy Playground song "Sex and Candy". 

Hangin' round downtown by myself
And I had too much caffeine
And I was thinkin' 'bout myself
And then there she was
In platform double suede
Yeah there she was

 He said it just fit me, and apparently that must be true because it has stuck around for awhile. 

The second part of my blog name is just logical.  I do fashion.  Well mostly I make fashion, design clothes, and create cool stuff.  i started the blog when I started making baby clothes full time, so then I was only doing fashion.  But now I'm expanding into housewares and a little bit of jewelry.  It's a lot of fun around my house right now =)

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